Sunday, 1 January 2012

"Why Save the Best Dishes for the Guests?"

I stumbled upon not one, but two beautiful Lanvin Pre-Fall campaigns and Alber Elbasz just keeps the good stuff coming. All his collections are incredible and innovative but I'm naturally a winter shopper, so of course it was these that I ended up leaning towards. It only seems right to show the most recent 2012 images first.

Very pretty and clever! An oversized contemporary shape in the form of a coat here, sumptious fabric used in blouses and ruffled cocktail dresses, a jumbo cameo dotted around and a leather dress with elbow length gloves for good measure, some lacy detail on a nude number- a lot of boxes ticked. Wonderful moody lighting too, basically I want to be a Lavin girl by the time I get home from work today.

These are from last season but still very elegant clothes and striking images; Elbaz's vision was one of glamor, he wanted to fulfill the needs of women who want to dress up everyday. Like Elbaz said "Why save the best doshes for the guests?". What could be more glamorous than wearing a silk pussy bow blouse while wolves circle your floaty skirt? In a Parisian workshop no less? Well, nothing. 
But something that did get me thinking was how all the animals worked with the models? A polar bear in Paris, at a shoot for a pre-fall collection making it pre-pre-fall weather which is technically summer. I think not 

Until you see this shot! Not so much fun spinning in circles around taxidermied  specimens or having a dead parrot perched on your finger? I liked it a lot better when the panther's and lynx were prowling around the lovely ladies. 

Allez, à tout à l'heure!

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